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Liza Soberano cries over a message from fan

Dolce Amore star Liza Soberano retweeted a post made by a user (@Piglexxx) that really touched her heart and made the teen star shed some tears. On her Twitter account, Liza expressed her appreciation and gratitude for the love and sacrifice given by the fan:

– This is the sweetest thing I have ever seen. Thank you so much. For all the love, considering the fact that you

– Probably have never met us in person. Thank you for inspiring me so much more right now. I wish I could just give you a hug right now to

– Make you feel as loved as i do right now. I love you. And all the other people who made sacrifices earlier just to ser us. It brings tears

– To my eyes. Seriously. Thank you.

Here is the tweet by the fan:


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