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Jason Dhakal apologizes for singling out artist tweet

Jason Dhakal issued an apology for singling out an artist in one of his tweets. Without naming any names, Jason find it weird why “rich artista kids” w/ mediocre talent are given special treatments and priorities to showcased their talents:

“it’s weird to me how ppl will automatically give a platform to rich artista kids w/ mediocre talent who already are financially set for life while local rappers here risk their livelihood to make music & get 0 recognition lol”

Netizens felt that Jason’s tweet is directed towards Michael Pacquiao after he posted the “Hate” performancce of Michael.

In his recent post, Jason apologized and said everything was unintentional.

“Some time ago, I expressed frustration towards my experience in the industry I moved in. I was coming from a place of impulse and feelings,” Jason said.

“I regret that I singled out an artist and unintentionally portrayed him into a bad light. Even though it was never my intention to do that, I understand how it can be taken that way. For that, I am sorry,” he added.

“To every artist/creative that spoke out to defend me/your views, I am so grateful for your public support and I am sorry if hate has been thrown your way as well. To my listeners, friends and family, thank you for being there for me,” added Jason.

“Lastly, to everyone, especially the girls and gays, I love you!” ended Jason.

(Photo source: Instagram – @jasondhakal)

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