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Bernard Palanca reveals reason behind breakup with Jerika Ejercito

“According to BJ, she replaced him… that easy, just like that …. poor BJ”

“To set the record straight…once and for all, no one replaced anyone just like that. I have kept out break up very private out of respect to the father of my child. There are MANY, MANY PAINFUL reasons why I decided I have had enough and it is my right to keep it between the two of us. We had a good run for 4 years…but in the end I had to chose the lesser evil. So please stop with the speculations. Walang kawawa dito Kung Hindi kaming dalawa. We tried but it just wasn’t meant to be. God knows I gave it my all and more. It has been almost a year since we parted ways but I’m not the type to air out all our dirty Landry. So please, just respect my space and my decision to move on. Salamat po.”

Despite their differences, Jerika and Bernard still make it a point to become responsible parents to their two-year-old son, Isaiah.

(Photo Source: Instagram – @jerikaejercito / @bjpalanca)

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