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Univision host fired after saying Michelle Obama looks like she’s from ‘Planet of the Apes’

A famous Spanish host and fashion critic named Rodner Figueroa was fired from his network station after insulting America’s first lady Michelle Obama. During the program “El Gordo y la Flaca” the host from Univision network exclaimed that Michelle Obama looks like she was from the ‘Planet of the Apes’.

He gave out such statement while the program featured a video that shows our very own Paolo Ballesteros’ make-up transformation, looking like the first lady.

“Well, watch out, you know that Michelle Obama looks like she’s from the cast of ‘Planet of the Apes,’ the movie,” was Rodner’s exact words, which he exclaimed with a giggle.

The Univision network released a statement about what happened:

“Yesterday during the entertainment program ‘El Gordo y La Flaca,’ Rodner Figueroa made some comments about First Lady Michelle Obama that were completely reprehensible and in no way a reflection of the values and opinions of Univision. As a result, Mr. Figueroa was fired immediately”.

(Photo Source: Rodner Figueroa’s Facebook Page)

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